Registration fee of $35 is due with the registration form. Registration covers both the Main Event and the Quick Paint.
Artist must be 18 years of age or older. Fee is nonrefundable or transferable.
Maximum of 30 registrations will be accepted. Fees received after that will be returned.
As a condition of my participation in the 2022 Jefferson Plein Air, I agree to bear all risk and expense for any loss, theft, or damage to my paintings or other personal property or injury to my person, regardless of cause; and to abide by all rules specified in the 2022 Jefferson Plein Air Prospectus.
I indemnify and hold harmless the Arts Alliance of Greater Jefferson (AAGJ) from and against any claim, suit, action, liability or expense arising out of any matter which would result from exhibiting or using images of my paintings for publicity.
The AAGJ reserves the right to accept or not accept any paintings for exhibition. The participating artists and all paintings submitted may be photographed and/or videotaped by AAGJ for promotional purposes.
I acknowledge and agree to the AAGJ retaining 35% from the sale price of my individual art sales generated during the event.