The Arts Alliance of Greater Jefferson will be holding its 2nd Plein Air from June 27-July 1st, 2018. Up to 30 artists will be painting throughout the Jefferson Wisconsin area for three days (June 27, 28 and 29). Artists will submit up to three paintings each for judging and sale at the Woolen Mills at 222 So. Wisconsin Drive in Jefferson.
A panel of three judges will chose paintings for the following prizes:
Best of Show Purchase Award $1200
Second Place $700
Third Place $500
Fourth Place $300
Artist Choice $300
Awards will be presented at an artist reception on Saturday June 30th at 10:30am. All paintings will be available following the awards presentation on both Saturday and Sunday, June 30th and July 1st.
Artists – the Prospectus and Registration form are available on the 2018 Plein Air tab of this website.